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Dental Education

A Message from the Founder 

While living in Ecuador, I saw the devastating effects of sugar and poor dental hygiene on human teeth. Imagine losing many of your teeth to decay - The physical pain, social stigma, and inability to eat solid food.  This is the reality for many people in undeveloped parts of the world. 


As people are struggling to make ends meet, they often focus on short term issues like food, shelter, and clothing.  Thy ignore issues like dental hygiene.  This is most unfortunate, because it is very simple to clean the mouth with a toothbrush or even a sturdy piece of grass with water.


This is not a question of intelligence or resources, it is one of education.  

The goal of this program is to teach children and community leaders about the importance of dental hygiene.  We travel to the developing world and go to schools with the greatest need, and teach the children why, when, and how to brush.  We also discuss what happens if you don't. 


The sessions are fun, engaging, and interactive. Complete with colorful demonstrations.  The main goal is to make an emotional connection with the students and give them a memory that might last a lifetime, and improve and extend their lives.

 - Tony Arguello

Key Details

  • Teach children in the developing world how to care for their teeth.

  • Deliver fun, emotionally engaging content to groups of any size

  • Provide toothbrushes for every child in attendance

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